The reading for Sunday, January 1, 2023 is Genesis 1-5

 Here's a podcast that explains how Genesis 1 helps us to understand the rest of the scriptures: BEMA 1

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Today's reading: Genesis 1-5

Here we have the creation story, Adam & Eve, the Fall of Mankind, Cain & Able, and Adam's family line.  

This is a lot to cover in one reading. Remember, we are only reading 5 chapters on Sundays!

As I want this to be a place where people are safe to express different views, I think I would be remiss not to talk a little about the creation story. It can be a hotly contended topic. Is it a poem? Is it literal? Is it literally scientific? What about evolution? I don't know the answers. I do know that it's okay to ask the questions. 

Today, the story of Adam and Eve sounds to me like the first example of passing the buck: the serpent lied to me, and the woman told me to do it. Seems nobody wants to take personal responsibility here. 

Cain and Abel. I can watch much of this same story on any true crime YouTube channel. I love my sister dearly, but I also squirted her with a good amount of water when she wasn't looking at a children's museum recently. Why? I don't know. Why does Cain kill Abel instead of being mad at God who was not pleased with Cain's offering? 

Today, I am particularly intrigued by Lamech's saying to his wives...If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.” What was Cain avenged for? He did the killing. 

Family lines and lists of names always seem pretty boring. I try to remember that God knows my name, too. Also, when I was looking at my family tree last night, all of those names seemed important to me. 

These are a few of my thoughts on today's passage. I would love to hear yours!!


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