The reading for Wednesday, February 8, 2023 , is Numbers 10 - 12
I thought Moses' father-in-law left some time ago? Perhaps I am mistaken.
Fire from the Lord burned among them because they complained of their hardships in the hearing of the Lord. This sounds to harsh to me yet, it is this same Father that sent Jesus for us.
The Israelites rejected the Lord saying why did we ever leave Egypt. This makes me think of the ways we continue to do this today. We want to run back, or stay, in what is known to us even if it's miserable and unknown to us. New paths are scary and likely make us feel insecure. However, we must lean on the Lord and not whatever is the Egyptians in our lives.
The Lord sends quail, but sets a plague on those who eat it. This seems excessive to me. Perhaps the lesson is that we must trust the Lord instead of our own desires.
Moses married a Cushite wife. When did he do that? Frankly, how did he have time.
Aaron and Miriam oppose Moses sounds like sibling rivalry to me. I must say it bothers me that Miriam is made leprous, but nothing happens to Aaron. Why is this? Is it because she is a woman or was she the instigator? Did sometime happen to Aaron that isn't recorded? Lots of questions.
I was baffled that God gave them so much quail, but before they could even swallow it, he sent a plague on them. Strange...